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We live the future together — Nokia network management user group NetAct ensures a smooth evolution from existing to future network technologies and can handle not only technology lifecycle requirements, but also network growth and changes in service offering. How the plan and subplan work in Plan Editor Before you make changes to data, you have to select a subplan. After the plan is completed in Plan Editor, it is exported to Nokia NetAct for further implementing in different formats. Different colours highlight objects having different states. Validate individual changes before update. Validate individual changes before update. nokia netact planner editor

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The option to add a log file for the import and the log file name. Parameters and object classes for each view can be selected and saved as settings for Parameter View. For different parts of Radio Access Configurator database, see: Select the visible parameters, or the parameters to be modified.

NetAct | Nokia Networks

Query and mass modification 1. It also allows the operator to pilot new network element releases, independent of NetAct releases. The key concepts of the parameter history are the following: After the plan is completed in Plan Editor, it is exported to Nokia NetAct for further implementing in different formats.

Many possibilities, one system Network management capabilities for different network sizes Nokia offers NetAct Compact for the small telco networks and new business like energy sector, health care, universities, offices.

Define new values for the selected parameters. Templates speed and simplify the object creation and reduce the number of typing errors.

However, Nokia Siemens Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. All queries are stored in the QueryDefs table with a description and optional definitions for automated update of problematic records.

The wave logo is a trademark of Nokia Siemens Networks Oy. The documentation has been rditor to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Define a new value with SQL for several objects at the same time. The file you want to import into Plan Editor.

Nokia Siemens Networks NetAct Plan Editor Tutorial

You have the following options for the query or related parameter modifications: Plan management in Plan Editor facilitates the implementation of RNW parameter changes into the network in a phased manner.

Export a plan 28 Figure Several steps are needed to fulfil the task.

nokia netact planner editor

The change history is kept in the database until removed by the database administrator. Network configuration snapshot Expansion and reconfiguration of the network is a continuous process. Generally, the parameters that are not in the template table need to be set individually. Define a new value with SQL for several objects at the same time. This indicates that the planned change has been implemented in the network or at least can be found in the actual data.

Offline plan administration Changes of the actual network data are stored in plans and subplans that help you with the implementation in the network. The subplan is a virtual concept that cannot be exported. The request for implementation can come from Plan Editor, but the actual implementation is done by other applications.

(PDF) Plan Editor principles | Emerson Eduardo Rodrigues -

However, you edifor keep your planned data as a plan after it has been moved to actual. Viewing objects as a collection using "show collection" enables objects of the same object class to be displayed together as a collection for example, collapse all adjacent cells under the same BTS to show only one adjacent cell collection.

NetAct fast pass allows optimization of NetAct upgrade nokka and helps accommodate late changes coming from the network element side. You can define several sets as default parameter values for each object class and save them as different templates.

nokia netact planner editor

The operations are based on the whole plan, not a subplan. Plan and subplan 4.


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